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HODL your $RECESS and hedge against recessions!
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Recession Hedge Token ($RECESS)IntroductionRecession Hedge Token ($RECESS) is designed to protect holders from severe economic downturns. The contract can burn tokens from an 8B reserve under certain macro triggers. If a U.S. recession is officially declared, all remaining tokens from that reserve are removed in a single event, reaching up to 80% of total supply. Minting is permanently disabled, ensuring no inflation. How It Works$RECESS integrates real-time macroeconomic signals such as inflation (CPI), unemployment rate, S&P 500 performance, and PMI. If any of these exceed predefined thresholds, authorized admins can trigger a partial burn from the 8B reserve. In the case of an official recession statement by the government or Fed, the remainder of the 8B is burned, completing an 80% supply reduction overall. Burn Coefficients+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | 1) Inflation (CPI) above threshold => Burn 10% of 8B | | 2) Unemployment rate spikes => Burn 10% of 8B | | 3) S&P 500 single-day drop >5% => Burn 15% of 8B | | 4) PMI below 40 => Burn 12% of 8B | | 5) Official recession (Fed/Gov) => Burn remainder | | (Total ~80% of supply) | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Each partial burn for triggers (1–4) subtracts from the 8B reserve. If the 5th event occurs, all remaining tokens in that reserve are destroyed, committing a total 80% burn of the entire $RECESS supply. Oracles & Burn Logic
• Oracles (e.g., Chainlink) feed accurate CPI, unemployment, PMI, and S&P 500 data to the contract. Block Scheme+--------------------------+ | Macro Data Oracles | | (CPI, Unemp., S&P, PMI) | +-----------+-------------+ | v +-------------------------+ | Authorized Admins | | Check triggers (1–4) or | | Official Recession (5) | +-----------+-------------+ | Partial burns from 8B Official Recession (10%-15% of the 8B) => Burn remainder | | | +-----------+------------+ | v v +-------------------------------+ | Burn Execution (8B Reserve) | | Tokens -> Non-recoverable | +-------------------------------+ Tokenomics
• Total Supply: 10 Billion $RECESS +---------------------------------+ | Liquidity Pool: 1B (10%) | | Creators: 1B (10%) | | Burn Reserve: 8B (80%) | +---------------------------------+ Benefits for HoldersBy linking partial burn triggers to economic indicators, $RECESS aims to ring-fence its price against deteriorating market environments. For a full recession event, the powerful 8B-burn drastically reduces supply, potentially defending the token from severe value crashes. In normal market conditions, $RECESS behaves as a standard crypto asset with sufficient liquidity and distribution. ![]() This chart illustrates how $RECESS token supply (left axis, purple line) declines from 10 billion to 2 billion tokens as economic conditions worsen, while the price (right axis, green line) rises from x to 100Х. The horizontal axis moves from ‘0’ to ‘recession →’ to represent intensifying recession indicators. The token’s partial burn mechanism drives supply reduction, helping maintain or boost its value despite market downturns. Join the CommunityCollaborate with fellow $RECESS holders to fine-tune thresholds and burn coefficients. Stay informed on macro indicators, participate in governance discussions, and help shape a unique token that aims to thrive even when market conditions turn bleak.
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